Representative | David N. Card |
Address | 16340 Park Ten Place, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77084-5143 |
Phone | 321-501-6791 |
Fax | 321-779-8203 | | |
Web Site | |
Qualified Instructors | Dave Card |
Instructors in Training | |
TWG Members* | Dave Card |
As a Partner of the
Software Engineering Institute, we help clients of all sizes and across
markets transform business critical software and systems to competitive
advantage by shaping processes for improved reliability, functionality,
time to market and cost reduction. For sixteen years, our consultants
have brought industry best practice experience to implementing Process
Improvement with quantifiable Return on Investment.
The process improvement strategies we support include CMM/CMMI, Lean, Six Sigma, ISO 9001, and ISO 15504/SPICE. Q-Labs is ISO 9001 certified for professional services. |
*Not all of the TWG members from the organization are listed. Those listed have
been significantly involved with the PSM project in the last 2 years and/or have
been qualified to teach previous versions of PSM.
Click here for more information on Transition Organizations.