One of the primary goals of the Practical Software
and Systems Measurement (PSM) project is to transition the issue-drive
measurement process into everyday practice. This includes delivering
all PSM products and services to a diverse customer base and helping
to establish measurement practices for a variety of individual projects
and organizations.
A number of government and industry partners are participating
in these efforts by becoming PSM Transition Organizations. Transition
Organizations help bring PSM products and services to a wider audience,
while bringing the benefits of extended PSM expertise to their own
organizations and clients. Your organization and its designated
contact person(s) will establish and extend their measurement expertise
- Participating in meetings and sharing ideas
through workshops
- Participating in the latest in PSM training
- Serving as qualified PSM trainers
- Receiving regular updates of official PSM materials, including
measurement guidance, training materials, presentation slides, and
PSM Insight software
- Helping to shape PSM products and services
- Using the PSM logo
- Reproducing and distributing official PSM products and
- Applying PSM expertise within your own or other organizations
- Providing PSM products to your customers (on a cost-recovery
basis only)
- Marketing PSM services for profit
To maintain the quality of the PSM products and services,
Transition Organizations agree to the commitments outlined in the
PSM Transition Organization package. In general, the PSM Support
Center agrees to provide up-to-date materials; including training
course updates, PSM Briefings, and workshop support packages. In
return, the Transition Organization agrees to regular participation
in training, teaching, User’s Group and Technical Working
Group meetings, and the development of official PSM products and
services. Trainers must also sign a written agreement that specifies
the general and course-specific trainer requirements.
If you are interested in becoming a PSM Transition Organization,
please review the complete
Transition Organization package,
or contact the PSM Support Center at 703-405-2191 or
PSM Support Center.
DoD and Government
participate in several ways.
the definitive guide to PSM.