16th Annual PSM Users’ Group Conference:
Using Measurement to make Hard Choices in a Constrained Environment

Portsmouth, Virginia
30 July - 3 August 2012



  Presentation Presenter

Conference Welcome and Introductions

Cheryl Jones

Keynote:  Einstein’s Velvet Gloved FIST: Sneaking Acquisition Agility in Under the Radar

Chris Gunderson
3 Software Maintenance and Sustaining Engineering Cost Estimation Jim Judy
Cheryl Jones
4 Use of Measurement in IT Services Beth Layman
Kim Angstadt
5 Agile, Lean Development & Government IT: How to Avoid their Becoming Yet Another Oxymoron Robert Charette
6 Keynote:  Technology and Decision Making: The Measurement Challenge Michael McLendon
7 Department of the Army PPSS Budget and Execution Process and the Challenges ahead for Estimating Software Support Marc Gutleber
8 Expediting Systems Engineering with a System of System Jo Ann Lane
9 Measurement in Backlog Management in O&M / Sustainment: What's Different? Paul McMahon
10 Measurable Security – FISMA, IAVA, and PPPs Reporting Requirements and Criteria Joe Jarzombek
11 Potential Cost Impacts of Software Defined Architectures on C41 System Development and Manufacturing Richard Mabe
Sundeep Goswami
12 Optimal Project Performance: Factors that Influence Ownership Cost and Value Paul Below
13 Cloud Survival Kit: How to Estimate and Measure the Cloud David Seaver
14 An Approach to Quantifying Uncertainty in Early Lifecycle Cost Estimation Jim McCurley
Bob Ferguson
15 Statistically-based Test Optimization Abstract Neal Mackertich
16 Improving Performance on Military Software Projects Don Becket
17 Using Tagged Requirements in DOORS to Estimate Software Effort David R. Webb
David Jolley

(Note: the workshop materials are provided in pdf and in some instances contain multiple presentations/files combined into one pdf per workshop)

  Title Workshop Facilitator
1 Workshop #1 – Optimized Project Life Cycle Cost and Performance in an Era of Constrained Budgets Denton Tarbet
2 Workshop #2 – System and Software Architecture Measurement Paul Kohl
Alejandro Bianchi
3 Workshop #3 – Program Measurement – Is it different for Agile Development? Jim Stubbe
Kim Elliott
4 Workshop #4 – Life Cycle Maintenance Cost Estimation Model Jack McGarry
Robert Charette
5 Workshop #5 – Performance Measurement / Affordability Peter McLoone
Cheryl Garrison
6 Workshop #6 – Expediting SE in the System of System Environment Jo Ann Lane
Sue Koolmanojwong
7 Workshop #7 – Software Maintenance Cost Estimating Relationships Brad Clark
Chris Miller
8 Workshop #8 – What Does Technical Debt Mean at a System Level Bob Epps
Garry Roedler
9 Workshop #9 – How Does PSM Relate to and Influence Operational Analytics Greg Niemann
William Golaz


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