17th Annual PSM Users’ Group Workshop: "Measurement: A Foundation for Affordable Solutions"
Crystal City, Virginia 22 - 26 February 2016
Presentations Workshops Presentations
Welcome and Introduction - Cheryl Jones, PSM Project Manager Agenda Attendee Photo:
Keynote: Army Software Maintenance - Addressing the Critical Issues John McGarry and
Robert Charette
Keynote: Maintainability Readiness Levels for Software-Intensive Systems Barry Boehm
Keynote: Measurement in the Department of Defense James Thompson
SRDRs - A success story ready for its next chapter Ranae Woods
Brave New World: Measurement, Big Data and Analytics Bill Golaz
COSYSMO 3.0: Updating Cost Estimation of Systems Engineering to Support Affordability Jim Alstad
Early Phase Software Effort and Schedule Estimation Models Wilson Rosa
At the Intersection of Technical Debt and Software Maintenance Costs Arlene Minkiewicz
System of Systems Judith Dahmann
Establishing Standards as the Basis for Effective Measurement and Affordability Marc Jones
Workshop Outbriefs
Struggles at the Frontiers of Measurement: Special Focus on Achieving System and Software Assurance for Software-Reliant Systems Ken Nidiffer
COCOMO III Project Overview Brad Clark
Challenges with Sizing and Estimating Enterprise Information Systems Chris Miller
Simulation of Kanban-based scheduling for systems of systems Alexey Tregubov
Why Are Estimates Always Wrong: Estimation Bias and Strategic Mis-estimation Joe Dean
Metrics to Support Effective Estimation of On-Going Operations and Sustainment Denton Tarbet - Bakari Dale
Conference Wrap-up
PSM Members participate in several ways. Details...