18th PSM Users’ Group Workshop: "Measurement in a Complex Environment"
Crystal City, Virginia 12 - 16 June 2017
Presentations Workshops Presentations
Welcome and Introduction - Cheryl Jones, PSM Project Manager Agenda
Keynote: Estimation Experiences
Steve Miller
Keynote: Measurement Challenges Associated with Modularity, Openness, and Mission Engineering
Robert Gold
DevOps: Are we measuring the right thing?
Robin Yeman
Cloud Solutions – Infrastructure, Platform or Software: Where should you go? Arlene Minkiewicz
Estimation Bias and Mitigation with Agile Estimate Guidance Joe Dean
Deriving Software Sustainment Cost Estimating Relationships in a Diverse Army Execution Environment
(Phase I Analysis Paper)
Cheryl Jones, James Doswell, Jenna Meyers
Software Metrics – UK Studies Antony Powell and John Murdoch
Project Managers Guide to Systems Engineering Measurement for Project Success
Greg Niemann
Enabling Repeatable SE Cost Estimation with COSYSMO and MBSE
Gan Wang
Cybersecurity Technical Risk Indicators: A Measure of Technical Debt in Software Supply Chain Risk Management Joe Jarzombek
Enhancing Delivery Schedule Awareness
Salvatore Bruno
Workshop Outbriefs
System of System Engineering – Progress and Plans
Judith Dahmann
Estimating the Cost of Securing Software Applications
Brad Clark
Measurement Challenges Associated with Engineering-In and Transitioning Software Assurance into the System Acquisition Lifecycle Kenneth Nidiffer
The Good, the Hype and the Ugly about Using the SRDR to Estimate the Cost and Schedule of Software Intensive Systems that Use the Agile Software
Glen B. Alleman and Tom Coonce
Show me the money! From Software Sizing to Productivity Improvement Tony Timbol
Leveraging the Power of Historical Data Through the Use of Trend Lines
Taylor Putnam-Majarian, John Staiger
Conference Wrap-up
1. Systems of Systems (SoS) Engineering Measurement Through the SoS Life Cycle
Facilitators: Garry Roedler, Judith Dahmann, Brian Soeder, and Ryan Jacobs
4. COCOMO III Workshop: Implementing a New Driver for Software Security
Facilitator: Brad Clark
6. DevOps and Chocolate
Facilitator: Robin Yeman and Greg Niemann
2. Measuring Progress on Agile Programs Using EVM Concepts
Facilitators: Glen Alleman, Tom Coonce
5. Improving Software Sustainment Cost Estimation: Addressing the Uncertainty, Risks, and Constraints in the Current Environment
Facilitators: John McGarry, Jenna Meyers, James Doswell, Cheryl Jones, Bob Charette
7. Where it All Begins: Best Practices for Gathering and using Quantitative Data
Facilitators: Taylor Putnam-Majarian, John Staiger
3. COSYSMO 3.0: Expert Input to Parameter Values
Facilitator: James Alstad
8. The Future of Software Metrics
Facilitators: Antony Powell, John Murdoch
PSM Members participate in several ways. Details...